Which leads me nicely onto my subject. Why do we blog? Why blog if people aren't reading your witty yet insightful articles that both stimulate the brain and the laughter muscle?
You have to agree that blogging has to be one of the more difficult of the social networking options. Although you could get away with writing a single line of text every now and then, you would probably be better off sticking to Facebook or Twitter. Blogging requires a certain amount of skill. Being able to write whole sentences is useful, too. Blogging requires thought and time and is usually a thankless task.
I started blogging as a means to keep my brain at least partially occupied. I have always wanted to be able to write and I thought that if I wrote some witty articles as well as some more serious, I would garner a loyal following and get pleasure in entertaining my readers. As I have mentioned in a previous blog, I don't actually find writing easy and often just stare at the screen, my mind blank and my fingers unmoving, hovering above the keyboard waiting for any hint of activity in my brain. This can last seconds of even hours. Sometimes I don't write an article for weeks and then a flurry of them appear, all at once as my brain disgorges whatever thoughts have been running through my drug addled brain. I have started another site where I decided that I would give my thoughts on current affairs (there is a link somewhere on this page) just to see if that is what people out there prefer to read. So far it isn't working.
So why continue if all I am doing is writing articles that people don't read?
I suppose that I am in the same situation as many other bloggers out there in cyberworld. There are a few extremely talented people who have the ability to draw in readers, either because they write what is interesting or their skill in writing is just worth reading. There are others that use the blog as a photo album; their pictures are stunning to look at and we keep going back for more eye candy. But for the majority of us, a few friends reading your earnestly written missive is the best we can hope for.
There is another thing that I have noticed since I started taking this blogging malarkey more seriously. When I am not well enough to open my Macbook (a quick advertisement there!) I worry that I should be writing something on my site. Why am I worrying? It's not like I have a deadline or a million people will miss out on anything. It's purely psychological. I imagine that those few readers I have will give up on me if I don't post regularly. How's that for preposterous? However preposterous it may sound, I'm afraid it's a fact!
No matter who does or does not read my scratchings, I still enjoy sitting here and typing on the keyboard, throwing random letters together and sometimes creating sentences that make sense. It's a purely selfish thing. I enjoy the fact that somebody, someday will enter a word into a search engine and a link to my humble yet awesome blog appears. Out of curiosity, that person clicks the link and is rewarded by pages of obscure scribblings from some bloke in England. Most rewarding of all, however, is that this person actually enjoys reading my musings and clicks on yet another article. Later that same day, the unknown person sends a link to my blog to a friend or two, suggesting that they may enjoy a moment or four reading this blog. Ahhh, isn't fantasy world a wonderful place!
Back in the real world, my unknown person doesn't even register the link to my site from their search results and moves onto a flash game that will occupy him or her, for a few moments because they are bored at work. May I suggest Peggle? It's a lot of fun!
So endeth another musing session, with a little fantasy added for extra appeal. I shall continue to dream and my space allowance on this site will gradually diminish as I post more and more literary masterpieces (I did say fantasy was added). I feel sorry for those that are unfortunate enough not to have found my blog and revel in my abstract insights and dark humour. I write for the simple pleasure of writing. I sometimes read my own ramblings and laugh at my naïve and sometimes conceited opinions. It keeps me occupied and entertained.
So, I blog just for the sake of blogging and the enjoyment I get from writing. It's just a pity that the ability to write is in decline, but that is another subject for another day. For those of you that do read this, thank you and I hope it brought at least a smirk for your trouble.
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